MAMIYA C33 【並品】 ◆付属品 付属品なし ◆動作 シャッターOK シャッタースピードOK フイルム巻き上げOK モルト劣化 ファインダーチリ有り [SEKOR 105mm f3.5] ◆光学系 Lens has no fungus. Lens has no haze. Lens has no balsam seperation. There are little dusts inside the lens. This lens doesnt have any defect which affects images. There is dent. [SEKOR 105mm f3.5] ◆光学系 Lens has no fungus. Lens has no haze. Lens has no balsam seperation. Aperture blade works well. This lens doesnt have any defect which affects images. 掲載期間は2週間です。